Featured Products

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  • Chaparral Lip Balm

    Best Lip Balm on earth, by Mother Earth for soothing dry chapped lips and cold sores. Buyer beware,…

  • Pet Salve

    Pawsitively Perfect for All Your Furry Friends! Best dog-gone pet salve for healing paw pads, dry n…

  • Desert Rain Smudge Wand

    Smudging has been used by Southwest Shamans for centuries in their talking circles, sacred ceremonie…

3 of 3 Items

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Dis-ease is defined as lack of ease or harmony, it is NOT the same as “disease”, a medical term for an illness treated by medicine. NEVER attempt to stop OR REDUCE your medication without the supervision of your medical doctor.