Pet Salve

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Product Description

Pawsitively Perfect for All Your Furry Friends!

Best dog-gone pet salve for healing paw pads, dry noses, skin irritations, flea bites and more! No bones about it. The Chaparral plant has amazing healing properties. It's a natural anti-biotic, anti-septic and anti-inflammatory.

Ingredients: Love, Organic Chaparral, infused in Organic Olive, Organic Coconut, NON-GMO Grapeseed oils and Beeswax.


  • 5
    Chaparral Pet Salve

    Posted by Juliana on 11th Jun 2024

    As soon as I purchased the Chaparral Pet Salve from the Farmer’s Market, I rushed home to use this fantastic product on my sister’s dog’s nose. Her name is Comet, and her nose has been dry in this Arizona summer. She was a little skeptical at first having me rub a salve on, and she only licked her nose a couple of times. I continued applying the salve just once a day before bed on the driest parts on the sides of her nose. After the first use, by the next morning I noticed drastic improvement and after three uses, her nose was wet and almost fully healed. I encouraged her also to drink more water. Water and salve helped her nose come back to balance and she is comfortable. I love this product and I’ll be back to the market soon to get my next chaparral skin-love products for me! With my purchase I received valuable information about chaparral’s benefits and a grab basket to choose my ‘love note’. The inspiring note I received was exactly what I required to hear for my life. I am having so much fun coming to the market and my new favorite business is Arizona Desert Rain!

  • 5
    Pet Salve

    Posted by Charlotte Young on 25th Mar 2024

    My puppy has had problems with itchy paws for months. This calms the itching, He loves the smell (and taste) of it and waits for me to put it on his paws.

  • 5
    Instant relief

    Posted by Jen on 24th Mar 2024

    My dog was licking his foot raw! I put on the pet salve and he instantly left it alone and finally laid down to relax! Thank you!